Mistranslation. Pablo Martínez Burkett
Recuerdo visitar el cementerio en La Plata, y quedarme un buen tiempo frente a la tumba de mi bisabuelo de parte de mi abuela materna, que nació en un pueblo ya desaparecido de la Rusia de los zares, antes de la revolución bolchevique. Trabajó de cocinero allá y después terminó poniendo una gomería en La Plata. Se llamaba Adolfo, al menos es el nombre que le conocí, ya había muerto, muy joven por cierto. Una de las cosas que siempre me obsesionaron resulta de mi incapacidad para poder comprender el idioma que hablaban mis ancestros en generaciones anteriores. Se podría decir que soy un producto de Europa de Este, vengo de Rusia, Ucrania, Polonia y Rumania al mismo tiempo. Y estoy acá, en Argentina. Aprendí a pensar en español. Siempre doy como sentado que las primeras impresiones e ideas son en el idioma nativo y eso no se puede cambiar. Hay países, que manejan dos e incluso tres idiomas o dialectos como nativos. Pero bien, lo demás como que viene por asociación, por añadidura. Hablo por ejemplo de los segundos o terceros idiomas adquiridos por estudio. Las ideas son subproductos artificiales, pero es lo que usamos y no nos queda otro recurso que atenernos a esta lógica empirista tan escocesa, tan David Hume. Pero a la vez siempre creí en una especie de gramática sanguínea, que circula aunque no la entendamos, parece muda. La búsqueda en el saber que es algo, también resulta en un intento por saberse. Los filtros de silencio para las lenguas que traemos y que creíamos no poseer al menos desde el aprendizaje que viene desde el nacimiento, puede ser que en algún momento evanezcan, se evaporen. Y que esto nos lleve a encontrarnos finalmente en una suerte de espejo atemporal hablando en el idioma que hablaban por decir algo, hace tres generaciones atrás nuestros padres. Puede ser que esto afine un oído y temple una voz plurilingüe independientemente de lo cultural y el interés personal en el caso de personas inquietas de la sociocultura y el arte como Pablo Martínez Burkett. Y puede ser que en este mismo momento él esté hablando sentado frente a una mesa de madera maciza con un ancestro que vivió incluso hace cuatro generaciones en algún lugar de tinte anglosajón, tomando cerveza y contándole una broma a la que el otro responda con una carcajada.
Comienza acá una serie en inglés de Pablo, llamada "Tales of the Bizarre" que sale un poco de borda de los que sólo escribimos en español en este sitio y afuera nos leen traducidos, mal o bien. Como sea, la mejor de las suertes (plurales) de mi parte para Martínez Burkett.
Alejandro Leibowich
Pablo Martínez Burkett
Sello que habría pertenecido al profeta Isaías |
Pablo Martínez Burkett
How art thou fallen from heaven,
O you morning star, son of the dawn!
How art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:12
HISTORY HAS NOT been sufficiently stringent with the bloody adventures of the "Society for Research and Training in German Ancestral Heritage", the scientific unit created to rescue the origins of the Aryan race. Its members, enthusiastic individuals of oscillating mental stability and lack of professionalism, devoted their efforts to conduct extravagant experiments, quite often fatal ones. Some chronicles wryly evoke failed expeditions to Tibet and the North African desert.
In this instance, an Afrika Korps officer thought he recognized a runic alphabet carved in stone. The leaders of the Ahnenerbe stealthy sent over a contingent of linguists. After reviewing the inscriptions, they presaged a very important finding. It certainly was a huge discovery albeit most abnormal for as it turned out. From under many tons of sand emerged a colossal statue instead of the prophesied Viking city. The human-shaped giant showed angular features, a hooded head, an elaborately-carved breastplate and hands that rested on the hilt of the sword. These features suggested a mythical warrior of unknown lineage. However, the obsequious chieftains of the NSDAP Party rushed to authenticate the image as that of an ancient Germanic god. The frenzy that followed was advanced and accredited by the absence of any analogy with the Egyptian canons, but especially for its condition as a winged-being. Strictly speaking, a mono-winged creature; the other appendage appeared to have been sliced off at the base and not by the industrious course of ages but by the sculptor´s own chisel. As it stood, the effigy´s nobility was somewhat altered by this detail which if deliberate was no less disturbing.
The war was unfavorable. It was said a British blast buried the whole excavation. Others affirmed it was blown up by the Nazis themselves enraged after hearing that scrupulous readings concluded the cuneiform characters were a form of earliest Hebrew. They were so angered by the revelation as well as by the example of degenerate art in their hands, thus no one paid attention to the fatal warning hidden at the foot of the statue: "Behold Michael, defeated commander of heavenly militia. Generations will profess otherwise, but I, Shaytan, who was created from smokeless fire, killed him once and forever. "
O you morning star, son of the dawn!
How art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:12
HISTORY HAS NOT been sufficiently stringent with the bloody adventures of the "Society for Research and Training in German Ancestral Heritage", the scientific unit created to rescue the origins of the Aryan race. Its members, enthusiastic individuals of oscillating mental stability and lack of professionalism, devoted their efforts to conduct extravagant experiments, quite often fatal ones. Some chronicles wryly evoke failed expeditions to Tibet and the North African desert.
In this instance, an Afrika Korps officer thought he recognized a runic alphabet carved in stone. The leaders of the Ahnenerbe stealthy sent over a contingent of linguists. After reviewing the inscriptions, they presaged a very important finding. It certainly was a huge discovery albeit most abnormal for as it turned out. From under many tons of sand emerged a colossal statue instead of the prophesied Viking city. The human-shaped giant showed angular features, a hooded head, an elaborately-carved breastplate and hands that rested on the hilt of the sword. These features suggested a mythical warrior of unknown lineage. However, the obsequious chieftains of the NSDAP Party rushed to authenticate the image as that of an ancient Germanic god. The frenzy that followed was advanced and accredited by the absence of any analogy with the Egyptian canons, but especially for its condition as a winged-being. Strictly speaking, a mono-winged creature; the other appendage appeared to have been sliced off at the base and not by the industrious course of ages but by the sculptor´s own chisel. As it stood, the effigy´s nobility was somewhat altered by this detail which if deliberate was no less disturbing.
The war was unfavorable. It was said a British blast buried the whole excavation. Others affirmed it was blown up by the Nazis themselves enraged after hearing that scrupulous readings concluded the cuneiform characters were a form of earliest Hebrew. They were so angered by the revelation as well as by the example of degenerate art in their hands, thus no one paid attention to the fatal warning hidden at the foot of the statue: "Behold Michael, defeated commander of heavenly militia. Generations will profess otherwise, but I, Shaytan, who was created from smokeless fire, killed him once and forever. "
Deutsche Afrikan Korps (DAK) |
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